Caretaker Prime Minister, Hassan Diab, remotely chaired a meeting of the inter-ministerial economic committee devoted to following up on the financing card project, which was attended by Ministers Zeina Akar, Raoul Nehme, Ramzi Musharrafieh, Imad Hoballah and Ghada Shreim, in addition to the head of the parliamentary economic committee, MP Farid Boustany, PCM Secretary-General, Judge Mahmoud Makie, as well as PM advisors, Khodor Taleb and Hussein Kaafarani.
After the meeting, Musharrafieh delivered the following statement: “The inter- ministerial committee in charge of setting the standards and elaborating the mechanism for the implementation of the electronic financing card convened under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Hassan Diab, who joined the meeting remotely. Today, we deliberated on the latest version and introduced some amendments in light of the observations made by committee members, and we can now say that this version is final after it has been finalized. We will now proceed to the launching of the technical committee in order to begin the effective implementation of the mechanism as soon as possible. We are optimistic that we will be able to accomplish this task quickly, especially in light of the worsening crises and increasing social pressures on the Lebanese people.”